Friday, March 30, 2018

Emotional Distress - Signs and Symptoms

Emotional distress is such a broad term and is a mental setback that can affect anyone at any age.

 This form of distress can result from a number of things, it may be that you recently lost someone close to you, you are feeling overwhelmed at work, you're going through a major breakup and more. There is not one single thing that can pinpoint why a person will suffer this distress, every patient is unique and their cause can be completely different to the next patient. 

Emotional distress psychotherapy is one of the ways of handling the distress, getting to the root cause, discussing what you go through daily and learning different methods and techniques to use to help you manage your emotions and eliminate the unwelcome symptoms associated with this particular mental disorder. 

Most people suffering from emotional distress will feel anxious, they may feel over-stressed. This can be at home or at work. They tend to suffer with sleep disturbances, either sleeping too much and unable to wake up in the morning to being unable to stay asleep, lying awake throughout the night worried that they have to go to work in a short while.

 As previously mentioned, every single person is unique and their symptoms are different to the symptoms experienced by the next patients. While some patients who suffer with this distress find that they struggle to keep weight on and have unexplained weight loss, others may find that they pile the weight on. Weight fluctuations is a common side effect seen by emotional distress psychotherapists on a daily basis. Some patients find that they experience unexplained chronic pain. Pain in the neck, back and shoulders can all be caused by emotional distress. 

Tensing up and bunching up the muscles due to tension can leave patients in agonizing pain and unable to relieve it. Another reason that these patients tend to stay in bed, become moody and unable to control their emotions. Many patients who are suffering with emotional distress find that they become obsessive in their behaviour. They struggle to manage their anger and lash out for the slightest thing, which can become problematic both in the home and at the office.

 Constant tiredness can also be an unwelcome side effect, which can leave patients feeling drained and exhausted. Dragging themselves out of bed each day and heading into work, where they don't want to be, snapping at colleagues and struggling to get through the day is a common occurrence when you need emotional distress psychotherapy. 

One of the biggest problems you may encounter is the inability to concentrate for long periods accompanied with memory loss. In addition to feeling exhausted, frustrated, worried and stressed, you then have to deal with memory problems and concentration issued. Combined this can lead to more stress and even depression. 

Many patients suffering from this disorder tend to pull away from family and friends. They lack social activity and have no interest in spending time with friends and family. This is also a sign for friends and family that there is something wrong and maybe the person needs to seek help, giving them the tools they need to manage their distress and push them forward. 

Mood swings are a common side effect of emotional distress. Many patients will find that they wake up moody and grumpy, later in the day this will wear off, but as it gets a little later something small can trigger their mood, making them angry, upset and emotional all over again. 

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A Day Is Only 24 Hours Long: Discover Your Dream

If you are having a bad day you should remember there are only 24 hours in a day, and it won't go on for ever! 

This thought was passed on to me at the weekend when I was at a Super-market check-out. I was bemoaning the fact my day was turning into a rubbish day by my late decision to have chicken slices and salad for supper.

As I had grabbed my bag to jump in the car I found I had been inadvertently blocked in by a neighbour. My daughter's car was in front of mine but she was away for the weekend, with her key! Oh dear!

As I couldn't make the neighbour hear, I got help from another who watched me shunt my car out of a very awkward gap, and I left for my quest, thinking I would get some more plant too. Well the plants were sold out, the chicken was also sold out, it was pretty much a fruitless journey.

 I was bemoaning my fate at the checkout, half-irritated half-laughing when the assistant said: "A bad day only has 24 hours, before it ends"! Which had me thinking the same goes for a good day too, do we always appreciate each 24 hours? I must say most of my days are good. Why are they Good? I have the freedom of working for myself.

I choose my hours. Obviously sometimes I screw-up with my shopping plans by being engrossed in what I am doing, but that aside I love building my business, improving my website, learning new skills and satisfying my customers.

 If working from home would be fulfilling for you, why not do what I did and begin a hobby business part-time whilst you have an income from your work. There are loads of businesses that can be set-up on-line. Google your keywords.

I favour affiliate marketing which is a simple way to begin on-line.
Just introducing products to interested buyers and getting paid for it, how simple is that?
 There are skills to learn but it is very satisfying when you get your first orders, and no face to face selling.
For more information on affiliate marketing have a look on Amazon there are several books available including "Affiliate Marketing for Beginners" by Brian Conners, which appears to be on offer. There are also other work at home books or again you could Google keywords.

Today 387,000,000 people have typed into Google "I want to work at home on my computer". That is a lot of work dissatisfaction considering to-day is a bank holiday and one assumes people have more interesting things on their minds!

 This could be an interesting new hobby that you can develop for future freedom allowing you to follow your dream. Look out for other articles and leave me you comments or please share this article if you like it.

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Thursday, March 29, 2018

Green Coffee Bean Extract:The Virtual Gear in Weight Loss

A súlycsökkenés rendkívül nehéz; tudnia kell a diétájáról; testmozgás és sok más dolog, amit meg kell fontolnia, beleértve az ételeket és az italokat, amelyeket bevesz. 

 Olyan, mintha megfosztották volna attól, hogy normális rutint csináljon. Most nincs semmi aggodalom, mert van egy támogatás a fogyás, a Green Coffee Bean Extract. 

A zöld kávébab kivonat nyers kávé magvakból nyert olyan vegyület, amely koffeint és klorogénsavat tartalmaz. A klorogénsav polifenol antioxidáns, és azt mondják, hogy a kávé magvak fő hatóanyaga. 

A klorogénsav felelős a testsúlycsökkentésért a szervezet zsírfelszívódásának csökkentésével. Azonban, ha a kávébab pörköl, a klorogénsav elhalványul, így kevésbé hatékony. Így a kivonatoknak nyers kávé magokból kell származniuk, mert több klorogénsavat tartalmaznak barna (pörkölt) babhoz képest. 

Green Coffee Seeds, mint hatékony segítséget a fogyás és népszerűsítették 2012-ben. Azóta sok tanulmány készült, hogy megtalálják a hatékonyságát zöld kávé kivonat. A különböző vizsgálatokból az eredmények azt mutatták, hogy a zöld kávé magvak nem csak a fogyás szempontjából hatásosak, hanem más egészségügyi előnyöket is biztosítanak. Különböző vizsgálatok alapján ezek a zöld kávékivonat kivonatai: 
1. Segít a hatékony súlycsökkentésnek, egyes vizsgálatok bebizonyították, hogy a fogyókúra hatékony eszköze még a napi rutin kihasználása, fogyása vagy megváltoztatása nélkül is. 

2. Javítja az anyagcserét, mert gyorsabban égeti a testzsírokat; segíti a test anyagcseréjének javítását még anélkül is, hogy bármit megtennének. 

3. Megakadályozza a cukorbetegség kialakulását, csökkenti a glükóz felszívódását a szervezetben. 

4. Megakadályozza a szívbetegségeket. Csökkenti a szénhidrátok felszívódását az emésztőrendszerből, és fenntartja a testben lévő cukor mennyiségét, ugyanakkor csökkenti a vérnyomást. 

5. A kivonat segít a magas vérnyomás megelőzésében. Azok a személyek, akik a megfelelő adagolással zöld kávébabkivonatot kaptak, kedvező hatást gyakoroltak az erekre, ami csökkentette a vérnyomást. 

6. Lassítja az öregedést, mert antioxidáns tulajdonságokkal rendelkezik. 

7.Green Coffee Bean Extract improves mood; a study done in 2012 found out that it positively affects the mood and cognition of healthy elderly people. In spite of the mentioned benefits, there are still people who contradict it due to the insufficient evidences proving the efficacy of the compound. Green Coffee Bean Extract appears to be safe for human consumption, however, listed here are some of the common side effects. 

These are with limited basis so these might be just a coincidence.These are headache, urinary tract infection, anxiety, jitteriness, rapid heart beat, diarrhea and sometimes allergies. Dosing depends on the concentration of the product. Based from studies done, the dose used ranges from 240mg-1,200mg per day. However, the recommended dose is 400 mg served 3 times a day 30 minutes before every meal. 
A Green Coffee Bean Extract maximális dózisa napi 1200 mg legyen. Ne feledje, hogy a klorogénsav túlzott bevitele szívbetegséghez vezethet, mivel növeli az aminosav homocisztein mennyiségét, ami az artériák keményedéséhez és a véralvadáshoz vezet.  

Zöld Smoothie 7 napos Detox táplálkozási terv: Súlycsökkenés és jobb érzés  (mobil nézet)

Nagyon népszerű kitöltési zöld smoothie súlycsökkentési terv, ami működik! Bizonyított és tesztelt a súlycsökkenésért és a jobb egészségért az egyszerű összetevők megtalálása érdekében. Kattints ide!

Kattints ide!

Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Wedding Speech - Some Rules To Abide By

We all love a good wedding - the dressing up, the food, the people you'll meet and of course, the loving couple tying the knot. 

But what about if you have to give a wedding speech or read at the ceremony? Do you feel excited at the chance to share a story about the couple or do you tremble and feel physically sick at the thought of having to stand up and either read at the ceremony or worse still, have to make up a speech and give it? But there are some rules to follow when you have to speak in public. 

The first rule of public speaking is "know your audience" and we start from this point. What is the purpose of the wedding speech? At least a reading at the ceremony, the words are there and you just have to read them. That's easy, isn't it? Whether they are your own words or someone else's, the nausea and anxiety are the same. It's like you are being taken over by this inner alien who doesn't understand how humans communicate. Speech anxiety can be so overwhelming, you may not even be able to say your name if asked. So going back to our first rule - we are gathered here together to celebrate the union of this couple. We are in a gathering because we love this couple and they have made the choice to have us witness their union. What an honor!

 Everyone is present for the couple. Not to judge your speaking skills or mark you on your speech. Take a guest who is doing a reading, we have to manage your body language and what goes on inside your body and mind and in this way you read with reverence. After all this is a reading chosen by the couple so we need to give it the due care it requires. It is not a test. So break down the various parts so each step becomes easier to deal with. Giving a wedding speech is essentially made up of three parts: 

1. Congratulating the couple, welcoming the couple.

 2. Some anecdotes about the first time you met the bride/groom and including some fun. 

3. Wishing the couple all the best in their future lives together. That's it really. Once we break down the actual speech, it becomes easier to get started. But the delivery must be in your style. No-one wants you to fail and I've yet to hear anyone complain about how a wedding speech was delivered. The second rule of public speaking is practice, practice, practice. The most natural deliveries have been practiced so often they become second nature. By practicing your words, you are making them your own and of course, they are your words and you need to own them. By all means, use guidelines on structuring but it has to be how you say things, your phraseology. When you practice, you must record what you are doing and play it back to critique and improve. What can be better? Repeat, critique, improve. Repeat, critique, improve. You know this couple and they have chosen you to mark their day. 

They are making the biggest commitment at couple can make so let's put your wedding speech into perspective. The third rule of public speaking - do not drink alcohol to ease your nerves. Anxiety can metabolize alcohol faster than usual and you are compromising your state of mind with self medication. The worse scenario is that you get rude and offensive and in some way embarrass the couple. The aspect I'm most interested in is body language. There is a point in public speaking that either eases you and you get the feeling "I've got this" or you get the "I'm screwed" feeling. This aspect varies from person to person. 

For some people, it is when they open their mouths to speak, that they hear their voice. When anxious our voice is higher and we talk very fast in an effort to get it over with. This aspect can be dealt with by a professional who can teach you how to improve. For others, it is when they stand up, that they can feel their legs holding them steady. Whatever your key to success is, it can be found, worked on, improved so that you have appropriate adrenaline, so you can deliver. The right amount of adrenaline brings your wedding speech to life, you can be animated and you can wait for the laughs rather than rushing to finish your speech. 

Make your wedding speech one to remember for you, for the couple and the guests. Whatever your role, you can learn how to manage your state of mind and body. Control the body, control the mind and deliver a great speech. And remember to smile!  

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How to Make the Mundane Telugu Ceremonies A Little Interesting?

Sunday, March 25, 2018

The Three-Legged Stool Rule

When it comes to weight loss, and also to weight maintenance, there are 3 things that we are in control of 99% of the time: the WHAT, the HOW MUCH and the WHEN we eat. 

During your normal, every day routines, and barring any extraordinary circumstances of course, you must plan your menus in advance based on your schedule for the next day or two; you have to make sure you have all the food items you planned for; you have to use portion control in your preparation; and then you have to follow through with your plan for those days. Only in this way will you have what you need at home to pack what you need to take with you for your travels throughout the day. 

But what about when you're planning to be away for the weekend or a week's vacation? Or, day-tripping to visit colleges with your teen, or leaving early in the morning for a day in the city with friends? What do you do? I get asked these questions a lot by clients who are nervous about not having control and 'falling off' when they are going to be away from home for an extended period of time. As I discuss in the office, I want you to visualize a three-legged wooden stool. I want you to pretend that written on each leg is WHAT to eat, HOW MUCH to eat and WHEN to eat. 

Let's talk about Leg #1: the WHAT to eat. When you are away from home, you are in control of WHAT you eat. Depending on where you are and for how long you're away from home, and certainly if you're only out for the day, you most certainly CAN plan for and pack a good part, if not all, of what you need. Having said that, even if you know you'll be eating in a restaurant, you absolutely can (a) have a say in where you'll be eating; (b) can do a little homework in advance by visiting that restaurant's online menu and/or calling that restaurant or other venue; and (c) make the right choice of WHAT you'll be ordering. 

It's not too difficult to find a place where you can get a salad or cooked veggies with grilled chicken or seafood; telling the restaurant you want no added salt or gobs of butter, for example; or doubling up on veggies instead of mashed potatoes in that instance. I could give you many other suggestions, but the point is: You can control Leg #1 of the stool--the WHAT kind of food you'll be putting in your mouth. 

Leg #3 of the three-legged stool is WHEN. It is very important to make sure you not let more than 3 hours go by without eating something. Whether losing weight, stabilizing weight, or someone who has no weight to lose at all, eating every 3 hours (as well as staying properly hydrated with water) is what assures that you'll always have a log in your stomach... something for your body to burn all day. Again, if you visualize throwing a log into your fireplace at home, say, 8am... by about 10:30 or 11, that 8am log is almost all burned out and the fire is very low. But, if you throw another log or two into the fireplace before it's completely out, the fire rises again. Same with your stomach. 

Therefore, when you're away from home, and barring an extraordinary circumstance, it is almost never impossible to get something into your mouth at least every 3 hours. Based on your schedule and what time you're supposed to be where, you can pack a piece of fruit or two in your bag; or a 1 cup serving of mini carrots in a little plastic bag; or 1 or 2 small low-fat cheese sticks or a yogurt, etc. and so forth... the point being... you can control the second leg of the stool, the WHEN you will eat. Leg #2, the middle leg, the HOW MUCH of what to eat, is the only part of the 3-legged equation where you have to give up some control-not all control, just some control-when you're away from home for an extended period of time. In your home environment, you can control your portions 100% of the time: you have the tools of measuring cups and spoons and a small food scale to weigh and measure your food. 

When you are planning to be out, again depending on the where and for how long, you can prepare and pack much (if not all) of what you need, and you should always do it whenever you can. But, let's assume that you can't. In that situation, you have to strive to do the very best that you can. You cannot throw all caution to the wind, telling yourself for example: "Well, I can't be exact with my portion control, so I'll just eat as much as I want and deal with it tomorrow."... and, from my experience, when our clients are doing well, losing weight, feeling great and in control, they never want to eat more... so, instead, they err on the side of caution, and almost always end up eating less than they should because they were so afraid they'd eat more! 

So, we have 3 legs of a stool, and each leg is exactly the same size... at the start. The stool is perfectly balanced, it doesn't wobble at all. The first leg--the WHAT--you absolutely can control. You can control what you pack and take with you and/or you can control whether you CHOOSE a piece of fish or chicken or a slice of pizza. You can choose whether you snack on an apple or a yogurt or a bag of M&M's. So, the WHAT leg stays balanced. The third leg--the WHEN--you absolutely can control. No matter where you are, time is time... 3 hours in New Jersey is 3 hours in New York is 3 hours in the Bahamas and so forth. Makes no difference. You can control the timing of your meals and snacks. So, the WHEN leg also stays balanced. The middle leg, the second leg--the HOW MUCH--may end up being a little 'off' even with your best intentions. 

This is the only leg of the 3 that may come up a little short. So, try to visualize the same stool once again. When we started this conversation, each of those legs was the exact same size; the stool was perfectly balanced; there was no wobbling when you sat on it. Now, try to visualize that one leg-the HOW MUCH leg-just an inch or two shorter, which represents the less-than-perfect portion control. So, you have a 3-legged stool. 2 legs the exact same size. 1 leg a little shorter. When you sit on it, do you fall over? Absolutely not. ... which means the stool is still balanced, even if it's a little wobbly. 

Remember, when you're away from home for an extended time, be it a day, two days, a week... whatever you do in terms of what and how much you eat is coming home with you! Therefore, your goal should always be to strive to be as perfect as you can in the areas of WHAT, HOW MUCH and WHEN you eat, just as if you were home and achieving those goals every day. Then, if you are in complete control of two of those three legs-because it is easy to do so more often than not- but you fall a little short in the third leg, you'll still end up in a very, very good place, both physically and emotionally. 

And whether you lose weight, stay the same, or even put on a pound, you'll feel good about having had a goal, having planned to achieve that goal, and then following through. I just want to say one more thing as it relates to extended time away from home, and I know many of you will be planning one or more of those kinds of out-of-town trips for the fall and winter holidays, which will soon be upon us. Remember... in those circumstances, the end-goal should NOT be to come home with a weight loss... but to come home the same weight as you were when you left for vacation. 

If you focus only on being in control of at least 2 of those 3 legs of the stool that I just spoke about, chances are you will come home without a weight gain and you'll pick up right where you left off. If you go away with a 'fattitude,' throwing caution to the wind because you're on vacation and you think that's a license to eat and drink whatever you want and as much as you want, you will absolutely come home with way more than a pound or two... and while that food and drink might feel good while you're at pool side on vacation, you won't remember it at all when you step on the scale back home and feel like crap. 

On top of that, instead of picking up where you left off, you'll first have to spend a couple weeks or more digging yourself out of a 2-3-4 or more pounds weight gain hole just to get back to where you were before you left for vacation. And I can tell you from all my years experience that when clients have been really focused on controlling 2 of those 3 legs I spoke about, they almost always come home with the pleasant surprise of weight loss!  

Saturday, March 24, 2018

Tips to Planning Your Wedding Catering Menu

Planning your wedding can be one of the most daunting and exhausting experience you will ever go through.

 Of course you want the day to be perfect, go without any problems and give you time to enjoy the experience. Unfortunately due to the stress placed on brides for the perfect day, this is one of the most frustrating experiences they will ever go through.

 Most brides start planning their special day a year in advance, this gives you time to make all the arrangements, book the venue, arrange wedding catering and invite your guests. 

There are some important factors to take into consideration when it comes to wedding catering, ensuring that you appeal to all your guests' palettes and that everyone has an enjoyable meal that will be remembered for years to come. 

The first thing to take into consideration when planning your wedding catering menu is to consider your guests. Who have you invited, what do they like and what type of food do you think is going to appeal to all of them. 

Of course variety is important, enabling all your guests to find something that they will enjoy eating. Remember you will have those that eat meat, you will have vegetarians and then you also have to consider those with allergies, such as gluten intolerance and other food allergies. The next step is to consider the reception timeline. When planning your reception you will usually have some form of itinerary.

 This may be guests arriving to a glass of champagne, they will then be seated and speeches will be made. You may want to add a starter before the speeches to keep your guests happy. After the speeches you may want the main course, followed by the first dance and then dessert later on. Consider your timeline and then ensure the wedding catering you are considering can work to your timeline, reducing the risk of unwelcome delays throughout the event. 

Focus on the type of meal you want. Do you want your guests to be seated and have table service? Do you prefer the idea of canapés and more relaxed atmosphere or do you prefer a buffet style, where guests can help themselves to the food that they prefer?

 There is no right or wrong, this is down to personal preference and what you want to include in your wedding catering menu on your magical day. As with any wedding catering you need to have a set budget in mind. 

Reputable wedding catering companies should be able to work with your budget, coming up with a menu or ideas that caters to your guest's requirements, while ensuring that you don't exceed your budget on your wedding day. 

Having a set budget gives you something to work to when planning your menu, helping you identify what you can and cannot include on the day. Consider the season you will be tying the knot. On a hot summer's day, for a daytime wedding, a wedding catering menu that includes French crepes can be refreshing and light. 

Focus on the season, what fresh ingredients can be sourced and then decide on the menu you feel your guests will enjoy. Remember that the venue you choose will also play a role when it comes to your wedding catering menu. You will need to identify if the venue has a kitchen,

 if they allow catering companies to cook on the premises or whether you need to simplify your menu to accommodate the venue. Remember to choose a wedding catering company that has extensive experience in your area, a company that comes highly recommended that will provide you with the service that you can rely on and trust on your magical day. 

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Friday, March 23, 2018

Dance Classes - Far Better Than Working Out at the Gym

Are you fed up of your same old gym routine and workouts? 

If YES, then you might be wondering what else you can do to keep your body in good shape and get rid of that gym dullness forever. Why not join dance classes instead and lose weight fast and easy. To be fair, both exercising at the gym and dancing are considered good for your health.

 Let's just start with gym first. Gyms play an indispensable part when it comes to strengthening your muscles and keeping your ligaments in good shape, helping you lose weight, lowering the risk of getting heart diseases or any other problems, speeding up your metabolism, allowing your heart to pump more efficiently with less strain, enhancing your social life, and making you feel calm and content. 

Apart from these benefits, exercising at the gym has some disadvantages too. One of the biggest drawbacks of joining a gym is its cost. Once you join a gym, you'll be paying the membership fee first. Apart from that, you'll be paying a regular fee too. Also, if you feel like hiring a personal trainer, there will be additional charges for that. Another trouble is regarding the location of the gym.

 If your chosen fitness center is located far away from your home or office, reaching the gym ON time will be a BIG achievement for you. Traveling a lot before going to the gym can take away all your freshness because of which you'll definitely experience dullness and weariness during your work out at the gym, so it is important that you choose your gym precisely, keeping all the important factors in mind.

 In contrast, dancing is considered a far better option than exercising at the gym as the majority of people think of it as a funny and exciting way of losing weight and staying fit. Dancing not only gives you contentment, but also keeps your body fit and healthy. Dance in general, is an art that consists of decisively chosen series of human movements. It can be classified and illustrated based upon its choreography, movements or by its place of origin.

 It helps in relieving stress and depression, improving your mood, burning the calories, strengthening the muscles, decreasing blood pressure, maintaining your weight, and helping you fight against diabetes and other health related problems. 

Furthermore, if you don't have time for dancing classes, you can simply turn on your radio or TV and dance in your own room, or you can even go out and dance tension-free with your friends at a club or a party. Dancing away in public not only elevates your mood, but also increases your confidence.  

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Thursday, March 22, 2018

How to Make the Mundane Telugu Ceremonies A Little Interesting?

Telugu weddings are all about fun and elegance.

The serenity of these weddings make them extra special not only for the bride and the groom but for the families of both the people and the guests as well. Telugu matrimonial ceremonies are a little mundane and you can add some fun ideas to make them hear whelming and exhilarating. 

Your wedding should be like a memorable affair for all the people attending it. It simply does not mean that you have to spend a lot to do so and go over your budget. A few simple and funny ideas can make your weddings that can make your wedding a grand affair and the most memorable event of the year. You can opt for including serene music into your wedding and make the guests happy and feel rejoiced.

 The music will keep the guests on their feet and you can change the mood of the whole affair. Music sure does play an important part in the wedding celebrations especially if it is a Telugu Matrimonial wedding. Though traditional music is included but you can add a touch of western or simple Bollywood music to make it more enjoyable for the guests as well as the bride and groom. 
As food is an integral part of the Telugu matrimonial wedding ceremonies, you can change the whole perception of the way people see it. In weddings you can make special arrangements the way food is served to the guests. It will make them enjoy your wedding more. Make sure the seating arrangement is perfect and the guests do not feel uncomfortable. 

At last it is they for whom you are planning the whole event. With the traditional food you can serve the guests with different cuisines like Italian or any other that you know your guests might like. Kids are natural fun enhancers in the traditional wedding ceremonies. They are ones who are having the most fun and you can make this event a lot more special. You can plan interesting games and activities for them to keep them engrossed the whole time. 

The kids will love this more than anything and they will keep your event alive. This will make this event more memorable for them than it does for you. 

Guests enjoy posing for photographs and you should keep this in mind and try to make this photography sessions much more enjoyable. Photos are the memories that you are going to cherish forever. You can hire a professional photographer with a wedding experience up their sleeves. They will make your wedding affair a more grandeur celebration for you and for the guests. The bride and the groom can pose with the guests and this will make all the guests feel more special. 
These little tips will make more your Telugu Matrimonial wedding celebration a memorable event for all. The bride and the groom as well as the guests are going to remember this unique wedding celebration in many more years to come

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Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Top Tips for Brides and Wedding Day Punctuality

It couldn't happen to you?

     As a bride, it is one thing to be 'traditionally late' in your arrival at your wedding venue where the groom is waiting but another altogether to find that you're so behind that the guests have started a football or cricket match to keep themselves entertained in the meantime.

    It couldn't happen to you? Well, you might be surprised at just how many brides are seriously late for the wedding service and in some cases, so much so that they put the wedding itself in jeopardy due to the loss of the venue etc. 

In almost all such situations, the problems caused by a tardy arrival are due to a late departure from their home or their base for the day, before the service itself. So, here are a few tips as to how you can avoid catastrophe on your big day. 
1. Plan your itinerary for your pre-departure activities so that you are fully ready to go considerably in advance of the 'last point' at which you can leave and still have a chance of making your venue on time. 

2. Many brides in a traditional gown prefer to get dressed at the very last moment in order to reduce the risks of creasing and marking etc. Understandable as that is, don't give in to that temptation. As per the first point above, make sure you are fully dressed and virtually ready to go well in advance. That will mean that any issues are discovered early and that will give you the chance to deal with them without putting your departure time at risk. 

3. If you are using luxury car hire services for your transport, discuss with them well in advance your timetable for the day. Let them tell you what time you need to leave your departure point by in order to make your arrival at the service comfortable. 

4. Plan your journey so that you actually arrive at the wedding venue or very close to it, considerably in advance of your planned entry time. Do your waiting in order to meet those 'traditionally late' requirements once you are in the vicinity and around the corner in your luxury limousine rather than at your departure point. 

5. Keep one eye on the progress towards getting ready of those you are travelling with. Custom is changing here and today sometimes brides will ride not just with their father (or other male 'giver away') but rather both parents and sometimes bridesmaids too. 
There won't be a lot of point making sure you are ready well in advance if people that will be travelling with you aren't! 6. Have a final check list pinned to the front door you will depart from en route to the ceremony. Prepare that in advance, at the latest the night before and make sure it contains everything you and anyone travelling with you will need for the service and reception.

 A quick glance at it before leaving should avoid grinding your teeth and requesting that your chauffeur turns around desperately quickly and goes back when you discover you have forgotten something on the way! A few basic tips but they may eliminate some of the more common causes of arriving unfashionably late at that all-important wedding service.  

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Monday, March 19, 2018

Fitness: Top 2 Dangers of a Sedentary Lifestyle to Avoid

A sedentary lifestyle presents a number of possible threats and dangers, and the topmost of these threats include obesity, cardiovascular diseases, and diabetes.

If you spend most of your time in a static position, your muscles and bones may grow weaker, resulting to acute pain and even arthritis. Also, according to health experts, sedentary lifestyle has the potential to promote speedy aging process and would likely cause psychological issues. 

This is why fitness shouldn't be an optional endeavor, but a way of life. So, What is a Sedentary Lifestyle? If your life is characterized by lack of physical activity, you are leading a sedentary lifestyle. And, in the present modern society, majority of people lead one form of sedentary life or the other. 
For instance, the working class individuals spend most part of their day (up to eight hours) sitting behind the computer at work. Then, they will get back home in a car and sit back to watch the television before retiring to bed. 

There is no room for physical activities and deliberate exercise. Over time, this kind of lifestyle could pose major threats to the mental and physical wellbeing of an individual. 

What are the Dangers of Sedentary Lifestyle? Obesity As mentioned earlier, obesity is one of the major aftermaths of a sedentary lifestyle. The problem about a sedentary lifestyle is that little or no calories are used up. 

This becomes worse if you are eating the same amount of food as someone who is always on the go. Consequently, weight gain will continue and lead to obesity ultimately. And, if you do nothing to get some physical activities or exercises, the situation will increase the chances of diabetes. 

If you are already obese or tending towards obesity, you need to quit your inactive lifestyle without further delay! In fact, you would need to embark on weight loss boot camp urgently to speed up weight loss.

 Risk of Cardiovascular Diseases Another grave danger of lack of exercise is the risk of cardiovascular diseases, discovered to be common among individuals who live inactive lifestyle.
 The reason is simple; when you spend most of your time without embarking on physical activities, your heart do not get the sufficient amount of blood supply that it requires to function properly. Also, people who lead sedentary lifestyle are exposed to risk of other ailments such as breast cancer and colon cancer, including osteoporosis (a condition where the bone gets weak and loses strength). 

So, what is the lesson from it all? It's simple; get into fitness activities and quit completely from inactive lifestyle. You should also focus on healthy meal prep recipes.

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