Friday, May 4, 2018

What Makes You Smile? Are You Happy in Your Chosen Work?

What makes you smile? This article was born this morning as I drove down a usually busy road which today was virtually void of cars. The sun was shining the trees were fresh after yesterday's downpour. All felt great with my world.

 I have that everything is great kind of smile on my face. Yes I could be worrying about the rest of the world - Ebola, wars, earthquakes, but sometimes you have to live for the moment, and enjoy the what you have; I can't alter the world catastrophes. 

There is a saying which in essence says: change what you can, and learn to accept what you can't. Things that generally make me smile; little children playing happily and the funny things they say. Beauty in nature like sunsets,( I'm not usually up for sunrise, but I'm sure that would give me a contented smile too. 

Waves on hot sand, oh there are too many to mention, but it does us good to spend a moment dwelling on them. Now for work related things that make me smile, I love the peace of working at home, or on a riverbank, or on the beach writing short articles for my business. 

It is the freedom and autonomy of being my own boss, so that I can choose to work when and where I like, fitting in computer work and other tasks when it suits me. Yes of course there is work involved if you want to pay the bills, but doing what you love doesn't feel like hard-work. What makes you smile? Are you happy in your chosen work? 

Do you love sport, maybe swim in your spare time to unwind, or go to the gym? Or do you spend time picnicking and taking long walks with your family? Let go of stress and enjoy the simple things in life, you will feel much more like smiling. Start now and build a hobby business that can provide you with an early retirement.

 I was amazed to find 375,000,000 people have typed into Google: I want to work at home on my computer. What an unbelievable number, what a lot of people not happy with what they are doing. Is it the long days and hours of commuting, the lack of suitable jobs, frustration with work colleagues or bosses, or the general rush and hurry of today's lifestyle? 

I wonder if the number is mostly made up of Mum's, trying to work around family ties or men feeling overstretched, or retirees subsidizing pensions. If you are one of those people wanting to work at home on your computer, consider starting now as a hobby business, there are hundreds of things you can do if you take the plunge! If you need to improve your work-life at the moment here is a book you may like to read to improve your job satisfaction, I found it a great book with simple ideas that work. 

"Thank God it's Monday" by Charles Cameron and Suzanne Elusorr. It will make even a boring job feel better. Or "Do it" A guide to living your dreams by John-Rodger and Peter Mc Williams. Start Googling some ideas for starting a business, or look at the loads of ideas on YouTube, there are plenty of training videos for internet marketing. 

Whatever you choose make it your choice and not what someone else wants you to do. If you cannot decide,and find it hard to make decisions: take a sheet of paper make a "for" and "against" column and fill the paper with as many thoughts as you can. Then go back and rate them with a star rating according to your gut feeling. 

Read the list later and change anything, but you should find this helps with clear thinking instead of tumbling ideas in your mind for days. Try it, it works for me. Well wishing you many smiles for the future, reduced stress, and that "Good to be Alive Feeling" 

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Thursday, May 3, 2018

Phone Sex Operator Jobs

Brand New eBook Reveals:

How to Quickly Earn $30+ hourly Working from Home as a Phone Sex Operator in a Matter of Days!

Phone Sex Operators are quietly making thousands per month working from the comfort of their home.

Whether you are a stay at home mom, college student or in between jobs, anyone with an open mind can start taking these calls.

Here's Why I Got Started:

I've been a phone sex actress for about 4 years now and the prospects of earning  $50-$100 an hour from home no less is what really caught my attention. I had absolutely no experience what so ever in the "dirty talk" arena. I remember trying to have phone sex with an ex boyfriend and I failed miserably. But that didn't stop me from wanting to learn more and finding out how to get a phone sex operator job.
As the years went on, and I got the hang of being a phone sex actress, I really couldn't see myself doing anything else. Then my daughter came along and I was even more convinced that I couldn't do a 9-5 job...and while I'm at work leave her in daycare? I think NOT. There have been one to many daycare centers on the news lately.
As a pso, I am able to take calls as she naps through out the day and when she is asleep for the night. With such flexibility, I truly feel that this industry has spoiled me for the worst and there is no going back to a regular job ever. Plus I will the power to make guys explode just by the sound of my voice- #awesomeness!

Phone Sex Operator Jobs
Start Working From Home As A Phone Sex Operator. Flexible Hours, Work Full Or Part-time When You Want. No Minimum Hours Required. Average Pso Earnings Are $50-$100/hr. Purchasing This Ebook Takes The Guess Work Out Of Finding Legit Phone Operator Jobs. Click Here!

How to Quickly Earn $30+ hourly Working from Home as a Phone Sex Operator in a Matter of Days!

Phone Sex Operators are quietly making thousands per month working from the comfort of their home. Whether you are a stay at home mom, college student or in between jobs, anyone with an open mind can start taking these calls.