Type 2 Diabetes - 5 Reasons Why Your Health Is Not Where It Should Be.
There are three certainties when it comes to your health.
There was a past, there is a present, and there may be a future. The lifestyle choices you've made in the past are largely irrelevant today, although they may have placed you in a predicament, as is the case with Type 2 diabetics. It goes without saying the most important time is the present moment, as the decisions you make today will determine how well you may be tomorrow.Let us briefly go over five reasons why your health is likely not where it should be...
1. You're sedentary. If you're sedentary, you're unhealthy, period. Your health will never be ideal as long as you don't exercise. What's more is if you're sedentary, odds are you are also overweight. And your cardiovascular health is poor. And without a doubt you are at increased risk for several diseases. Start exercising, which leads us to...
2. You take exercise for granted. It can be difficult to start exercising consistently if you take physical activity for granted. You're probably not fully aware of just how important exercise is for improving insulin resistance. Not only will you have better control over your blood sugar and weight, you will be receiving a host of health benefits that directly result from regular physical activity. Exercise is the #1 form of treatment to lower the risk of all-cause mortality. Reflect on it.
3. You don't cook as often as you should. If you're not cooking often, you're likely not eating healthy often, either. And when you're not eating quality foods conducive to a healthy body, you predispose yourself to many complications. If you're trying to treat or manage a condition such as Type 2 diabetes, it becomes even more important to cook your own balanced and nutritious homemade meals.
4. You're dehydrated most of the time. The simple fact our bodies are comprised mostly of water should tell you it's an essential nutrient vital for optimal living. If you're consistently dehydrated, you're going to feel run down. Your nerves will also mistake thirst for hunger, causing you to eat more than you should. Try to drink between 6 to 8 full glasses of water per day.
5. Your snacks predominantly consist of poor food choices. Let's be quick to note snacking isn't always a bad thing. But if you snack like most people do, then you are not doing yourself any favors. If you have to snack, make sure it's food that is good for you. A sweet fruit or some raw vegetables, for instance.
Not sugar-dense snacks or baked goods. Ensure the backbone of your meal plan is predominantly formed by healthy food options. Talk to your doctor about what to do if your blood sugar goes up to a higher level or drops to a lower level than is usual for you