Wednesday, February 14, 2018

5 Demerits of Organic Herbal Medicines

5 Demerits of Organic Herbal Medicines 

The concept of Ayurveda has gained immense popularity in the market.

Studies state that almost 4 million people are treated with the help of herbal medicines, which are readily available in the market.

These medicines are made from different herbs available in the forests. However, there are times when the herbal medicine manufacturers grow herbs and plants that are needed to undertake the concept of Ayurveda; no fertilizers and pesticides are used on such fields due to which they are said to be organic herbal medicines. 
Although there are hundreds of merits of organic herbal medicines, there are certain demerits as well, which most of the people are unaware of. Let's see what these demerits are: Unavailability in many locations - I know most of the countries focus on manufacturing and selling natural medicines, but it is quite difficult for some of them to focus on such a concept. 

Thus, Ayurvedic medicines are not readily available everywhere, unless someone has the patience to wait for them to be shipped from another location! 
Doesn't prove to be effective for several conditions - If you think naturally made medicines are available for all the health related issues or conditions, you are absolutely wrong!

 There are many conditions for which herbs can't do anything at all. Thus, dependency on allopathic medicines becomes mandatory. 

No dosage instructions - Most of the times, people are unaware of how much of herbal syrup they are supposed to drink or how many tablets they are supposed to eat in a day. Since there are no proper instructions on dosage, herbs don't work for certain people. Herbs can be poisonous - Some of the herbs may not make you feel anything wrong at first, but the wild ones can be like slow poison. 

Therefore, it is always nice to consult a good doctor before starting with the concept of Ayurveda in your life. Lack of proper doctors - The worst part is there are many fake doctors out there that smug about their knowledge of herbal medicines. In fact, most of the doctors are not even educated or professionally trained to prescribe any sort of a medicine to the patients. 

Yet, there are many people who treat themselves by such individuals because of the kind of experience they possess. No matter how good such people are, they are not trained in such medicines or remedies. 

Even though there are a lot of demerits of ayurvedic medicines, I personally believe they work miraculously on some of the health related issues. 


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