Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Colon Cleaning or Colonic Irrigation

Colon Cleaning or Colonic Irrigation?

While there is no conclusive scientific evidence to support colon cleaning,

 it is nevertheless marketed as an effective and alternate means of providing relief in acute cases of stomach disorders such as severe constipation, build of fecal matter etc.

 It is believed that the colon has its own natural mechanism of cleansing without any outside aid. Several factors relating to the person receiving colon cleaning have to be taken into consideration such as past or existing medical history, other medical symptoms that may lead to complications and risks etc. 

History Colon cleaning was a practiced medical therapy of Ancient Greeks and Egyptians known as 'auto intoxication'. The general belief is that prolonged accumulation of putrefied fecal matter forms a residue in the colon which gives rise to inflammation and symptoms of ill health. This theory was propounded on the notion that food enters the intestine and rots there unless it is eliminated at the earliest. 

Early 19th century studies seemed to support this theory but more recent scientific studies point to no conclusive evidence of its benefits. Modern day scientific studies have thrown no concrete evidence to support colon cleaning as a practice. Neither colon surgeries nor observations have found the need for colon cleaning to alleviate the symptoms of ill health. Hydrotherapy Colon therapy contains a variety of medications and therapies. Some of these medications are oral supplements while others are in the form of colonic irrigation or hydrotherapy.

 Hydrotherapy or enema, where water mixed with herbs or other liquids is injected by means of a tube into the rectum as a means of colon cleaning, is generally not advised by expert medical practitioners. This disrupts the natural balance between bacteria and natural chemicals in the intestines. Medical records show that electrolyte imbalances can cause heart attacks and improper use and unhygienic equipment can trigger amoebiasis. 

Repeated colon cleaning can cause salt depletion, anemia and malnutrition. Other forms of colon cleaning include herbal supplements and other medications that support colon cleaning as an alternative medical therapy. But even here, continuous use of herbal and other oral supplements sometimes interfere with the natural functions of the body and disrupt absorption of nutrients and minerals, thereby becoming ineffective. 

FDA regulations While the U.S. Food and Drug Administration has issued letters warning manufacturers and promoters of colon cleaning products not to indulge in false claims of effectiveness, there is no regulation to control the use of these products or supplements. Most of them violate safety issues and do not conform to any quality control regulations. 

The scientific community strongly recommends that the only way to eliminate toxins from the body is to ensure that the colon remains clean. This can be easily done by eating the right foods that are nutritious and balanced, and by introducing good bacteria that improve the micro flora of the intestines. Today, there is a vast variety of Probiotic foods that can easily be introduced in the diet. 

By ensuring a healthy lifestyle that includes a combination of good vegetables and fruits, lots of fiber and natural nutrients, moderate exercise and by avoiding processed and refined foods that contain preservatives and additives, we can ensure a healthy and clean colon that is capable of removing waste and toxins from our body easily.  

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