Healing Touch Is More Than a Warm Fuzzy
How long can you hold your breath?
Chronic disease is always defined by having low (body) voltage.
Although it's been years now, I still vividly recall lying in the post surgery ICU of a top level oncology hospital and craving the loving touch of my family members who kept a "waiting room vigil" only to be allowed to "see me" briefly and infrequently. I was in and out of a coma but I knew one thing for certain. I needed the touch of my loved ones. I now know that my life depended on the electrons their touch could transfer to my body that was nearly depleted of energy due to pharmaceutical intake and isolation from life-giving resources. Modern medicine had nothing for me to eradicate the remaining "spots on lungs and liver". I had to make my body a place where cancer could no longer live. The science is profound but the Word of God gives healing touch credence not obtainable elsewhere.
And, of course, the "science" is God's own design. In this article I want to look at the basis of that power in human touch from a "science perspective" because it is literally a "high voltage" healing mechanism. We are biochemical beings in our body/souls and "modern medicine" is honed in on this chemistry usually to the exclusion of our equally important bioelectrical state of being. We should not wonder that chemical therapy makes us deathly ill... and, oddly, most people don't even stop to think about this issue when they "sign on" for it. Let's look at ways to "recharge the power in our touch" by boosting our own electron balance. Recently, a friend whose adult child has entered the "chemo-therapy/radiation" protocol doctors recommended for post surgery cancer treatment, expressed how disturbed she was at the orders to not hug her daughter because the treatment so weakened her immune system that human contact was "dangerous". I reflected upon the many hours I'd spent in oncology waiting rooms awaiting lab tests and scans during the months directly following my own cancer surgery.
So much fear and anxiety and evidence of treatment "side effects" and just so much dull gray fatigue in the atmosphere! Conversation amongst many of God's stricken beloved, sharing a kindred burden, compared what "the doctors had told them". This "mantra" always included: "stay out of the sunshine"; "eat only cooked foods"; "always wear the surgical mask and avoid human contact", etc. The lack of positive energy in the room was palpable. Later, in my personal research to make my body a place cancer could not live, I learned that quantum science is all about energy and matter. Einstein proved this relationship. Our bodies are "matter" and life is fueled by "energy" at the cellular level. Insights for healthy living abound as we learn the role of our bioelectric aspects-especially electrons. It's undeniable that our brain and nerves function electrically and our hearts beat because of an electrical impulse. Every cell of our bodies, if healthy, generates electrical energy fueling the work the cells do and the work (and play) that we do. We were created with a "healthy voltage" that we can maintain or replenish (or not).
Lifestyle and chemical intake can rob us of this power, thereby forcing us into the chronic "dis-ease state". Electrons (atomic particles in all molecules) are our "ground zero" energy "instruments". Incidentally, electrons are particularly sabotaged by every single part of the "fear based waiting room mantra" I cited earlier. I intend to write more about this subject in the future; however, I wanted to introduce several practical points here. "Chronic disease is always defined by having low (body) voltage. One cannot cure chronic disease without inserting enough electrons to achieve -50mV. One must have the raw materials necessary to make new cells and to eliminate the toxins or infections present that will damage the new cells.
You can take all of the medications you like and do as much surgery as you like, but you will not heal unless you have -50mV (millivolts), raw materials (nutrients) and lack of toxins." (source: Dr. Jerry L. Tennant, M.D. in "Healing is Voltage: The Handbook"). https://youtu.be/X_k1BNenl_c is a link to one of Dr. Tennant's videos that particularly discusses Fulvic Acid as an electron supplier.* (more below) The human body, of course, is mostly water and most of us know water is two parts hydrogen and one part oxygen. Turns out that low body voltage causes the oxygen "part" to leave our cells. How long can you hold your breath? Cells can't do without oxygen either-except cancer cells that ferment rather than oxidize nutrients. Pain is a signal of oxygen depletion in body tissue.
What can we do to maintain healthy body voltage level? Electrons, the "stuff" of voltage, naturally flow from areas of high voltage to areas of low voltage. So is health maintenance a matter of bringing more electrons flowing into our bodies and hindering electrons leaving us? It is and doing so involves lifestyle! 1. Touching (like hugging) transfers electrons from one person to another-from the person with higher voltage to the person with lower voltage. Of course this can be part of a "healing touch" and the "healthy person" can replenish donated electrons through lifestyle. SO WE CAN HELP OTHERS HEAL AND REPLENISH OUR OWN ELECTRONS 2. Since our bodies are 70+% water, our water intake is critical (Quantity and Quality).
Drinking acidic water--"tap water", chlorinated water, fluoridated water, most commercially packaged water etc. robs us of electrons rather than providing them. Alcoholic, caffeinated, carbonated, and otherwise processed beverages are "anti-electron" in our metabolism. We get electrons from ionized water (obtained from clean wells or through specialized (and often expensive filters) or other well-filtered water. I use an inexpensive countertop Zero Water filter. 3. Raw organic foods are essential potent electron suppliers. Cooked and processed foods not only do not provide electrons but those that contain chemical additives cause additional electron loss. 4. Exposure to wind and air conditioning stimulates loss of electrons. Thus, fatigue (low energy due to low voltage) is intensified by exposure to wind.
Knowing this, we can purposely replenish our electrons with intermittent breaks to exercise and pray or meditate, which has been proven to recharge our physical/mental battery. 5. Even minimal exposure to natural sunlight daily replenishes electrons in ways we absolutely need and can store (if our cell membranes are healthy). Organic plant based diets (photosynthesis produces photons that attract electron); diets rich in balanced Omega 3 and 6 fatty acids; avoidance of hydrogenated fats (processed oleo and some nut butters); and partaking of the "Budwig flax oil/high sulfur protein protocol" all work because of their electron enriching properties. Cell membranes (brain of the cell) are largely constructed of fatty acids so they need plenty of the right fatty acids. 6. Exercise! Our muscles actually generate electrons when we exercise.
Muscles also store electrons and exercise recharges them. In my own healing from cancer I developed an exercise routing roughly based on Tai Chi. It includes deep breathing as well as smooth low impact movements and takes a very few minutes. 7. Moving water generates absorbable electrons. Thus taking showers rather than baths is a way of replenishing electrons. Filtered showerheads, of course, can help remove the damaging chemicals in tap water. We know our skin absorbs such chemicals so it's well to eliminate these from both water and skin care products. 8. The earth is a powerful electromagnet. Walk on it barefooted; lean against trees and soak in blessed electrons. Let your pets spend time on the ground (that's not sprayed with electron depleting chemicals) so they can carry electrons back to you when you pet them. Get your hands dirty in a garden. God's given us an abundant "battery charger" for good reason. 9. *Fulvic Acid dietary supplementation can supply our bodies with a wealth of energy generating electrons. "Fulvic acid is the absolute smallest particle of this "ancient forest compost" so to speak. "It has all the genetic information, all of the nutrition, all of the antioxidant capacity.
The molecule of fulvic acid has 14 tetra trillion (14 with 21 zeros behind it) electrons it can donate (and neutralize damaging free radicals which are cellular debris left over from cellular metabolism and work). Thus the body can return to carrying a healthy electrical voltage and body cells and tissue work as they are created to do. They have the electricity to operate. High electrical activity kills cancer cells. It balances acidity, delivers oxygen to cells, and balances the chemistry of well over 70% of our bodies. Fulvic acid acts as a delivery system for nutrients as well as "picking up the cellular garbage including heavy metals.
It is high in carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen. (source: Dr. Daniel Nuzum, MS., ND. in an interview with Ty Bollinger, author of "The Truth About Cancer" in transcript of "The Quest for the Cures Continues" 2015. Paraphrased.)" https://vimeo.com/111337999 links to a video with Dr. Nuzum explaining Fulvic Acid further. In summary, human touch with healing intent is a powerful healing mechanism. We are generally unaware of this power, but we should no longer feel helpless in supporting loved ones or boosting our own health. I'm hoping the friend I mentioned earlier will don a surgical mask herself and satisfy the yearning to hug or perhaps massage the feet of her suffering child.
She will be providing the healing power of electrons and, thereby, oxygen. She will be helping overcome cancer's needed acidity. We can provide much more than a "warm fuzzy".
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